Sunday, April 27, 2008

That First Post...

Hello everyone and welcome to Dead Sharks, a flash brand spanking new blog to feast your eyes on. I've done the blogging thing before (like three years ago) and have recently found myself with the urge to blog.

So here we are. I'm a uni student from Dunedin, New Zealand in my final semester of study - I major in Film & Media Studies and Economics. Everyone always says that it's an "interesting" combination whenever I tell them that. When I get sick of hearing that, I tell them my name is Hubert and that I study Marine Biology. Oddly, no one finds that interesting.

Song I listened to while writing that: Mystery Hours by the New Pornographers.

1 comment:

Morgan Davie said...

Just discovered your blog via a traffic linkback. Neat! I will read on with interest.
