Saturday, May 3, 2008


Not doing anything tonight so got out an ancient Alison Holst cookbook and made some Cinnamon Pinwheel scones. They looked a little odd (which all my cooking does - presentation is probably the last thing I care about when I cook) but they tasted alright - which is the important thing. (not saying that presentation doesn't have it's place - if someone plonked a heap of purple mush in front of me then I'd feel funny eating it no matter how good it tasted)

I went for a walk up Baldwin St today - billed as the steepest street in the world but not actually true.

Finally, when I was making dinner some drunk guy walked into our flat. He wasn't too much different from the normal drunk person though he did claim that he would happily drink my dishwashing liquid. Don't think anyone's ever claimed that before. I was tempted to try him out but that stuff's expensive.

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